
Dairies Limited

About Serge Dairies

Serge Diaries is a factory that specializes in the manufacturing of juices and milk-based drinks. Serge Island's vision is to become a world class facility in the region and to that end, has invested in technology that has seen the Company feature the most advanced Tetra-Pak packaging capability in Jamaica. This allows for extensive third-party manufacturing and packaging, and significantly increased milk production to better meet market demand.

Serge Island Diaries

Serge Diaries is a factory that specializes in the manufacturing of juices and milk-based drinks. Serge Island's vision is to become a world class facility in the region and to that end, has invested in technology that has seen the Company feature the most advanced Tetra-Pak packaging capability in Jamaica. This allows for extensive third-party manufacturing and packaging, and significantly increased milk production to better meet market demand.

Brands Manufactured at Serge

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